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Sunday, 19 November 2017

Is it time for a new political party in the USA

Is it time for a new political party in the USA

By Dark Politricks

At least in the UK we can see that there is a party that will push for peoples policies and the Tories who will fit in very nicely with the "Establishment" one party state in the USA.

With the fallout of the 2016 US Presidential Elections still rocking the US news isn't it time that a new political party is formed.

Many trade unionists have decided to stop paying dues to the Democratic party considering it is now basically Republican "light". A party destined to lose unless they come up with some actual policies to help working people.

Instead of moving to the left after the election loss which Hillary just seemed to assume she would win, they have continued to take money from big pharma, Wall St and Silicon Valley. These are all groups that also fund the Republicans and Obama is collecting his reward for not jailing any bankers or stopping their illegal practices with his $400,000 after dinner speeches at the top banks.

What I don't understand is - if the Democrats cannot even beat an incompetent like Donald Trump who thinks Twitter is the way policy is made in the USA, telling his supporters how "super" and "great" their proposed, but never passed, tax and heath reform bills will be. Then what do they actually stand for?

I think many people who voted for Trump are going to be mightily pissed off when they find their health and tax bills have gone up if the GOP does get them passed. They fell for the con man with the 3 cups and single ball. His rallies may have given false hope to most of his voters but the Democrats didn't even seem to have any policies or big rallies (apart from Bernie Sanders who could have beaten Trump).

Therefore it is now clear there is just one party in Washington, the "Establishment Party".

The 6 news channels all suck up to it rather than tell real news and ask real questions such as:

  • Why are we still in Afghanistan after 16 years (opium and other minerals maybe?)
  • Why are the richer getting richer, with more tax cuts, whilst the middle class and poor are getting less and less?
  • Why doesn't the FBI just get a warrant for Hillary's DNC email ISP and collect all the emails from their and take her computer system to see if it was really hacked and how by the Russians?
  • Why if the Democrats are crying "Russia" all the time when a difficult question is posed is no actual proof provided and why did they do exactly the same thing by creating a dossier on Trump but just going through a UK ex spy middle man?

There is a need for new party in the USA.

As John Oliver laughed off Green Party candidate Jill Stein's idea of quantitative easing for paying off student debt on his TV snow. The "Establishment Party just did exactly the same to give Trump $700 billion for the military - not that they need it.</a>

So if the Establishment can just create money out of thin air for their wars because they know their campaign funders, lobbyists and companies who promised them a cushy job after they leave office can do it why can we not do it for the 99% of people who need it.

Whether you are on the left, right, middle, or flying high in the sky their surely are enough people who would come together on common issues.

Issues that affect us or will affect us all.

Issues such as:

A jobs program. Trump never brought back all those jobs he promised from China he opened a few coal mines to allow a few hundred more men to die of black lung in their 50's. The Green parties "Green New Deal" would have created thousands if not millions of new jobs and put people back to work and tax money to the government. Plus it would have got us off fossil fuels and helped with Climate Change, something many people in the worst year for hurricanes still deny.

These people with jobs would actually spend their money on products built-in China, maybe one day built-in the USA. The money would flow upwards and not downwards. The supply side demand system has been shown to fail so try a trickle up system where money is put in the pockets of people who will spend it on items such as food and goods rather than stash it in tax havens.

A ban on illegal wars we know nothing about. Why are troops dying in Niger? Why do we need to be fighting proxy wars and propping up the petro-dollar with Saudi Arabia all over the Middle East? The CIA should be disbanded as they are training our supposed enemy al-Qaeda in Syria and ISIS to fight President Assad. There was even the recent case where the Department of Defence was fighting the CIA over there.

Stop illegal immigration by not meddling in other countries affairs, starting wars and causing refugees as the US has done in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Somalia but instead helping them by building homes, schools, providing fresh water and teaching them to farm. This would prevent their desire to leave their homeland and stop the migration crisis we are seeing in Europe at the moment.

Why does the US have to require over 900 military bases all over the world and stick its nose into other countries business when it's not wanted. Just think if half those bases were closed, many just created to encircle Russia and China, it would provide enough money for free health care, education, and reduce the tensions between those countries.

Why cant the US restore its moral standing in the world by repealing bills passed after 9.11 that gave the President the power to send troops to pre-emptive wars which were declared the worst form of atrocity at Nuremberg by US judges? What about repealing the PATRIOT ACT and the NDAA that allows the President to kill US citizens even in it's own borders if required.

Stop drone killings of children and old men and then calling them enemy combatants because they are between the ages of 14 and 80.

A stop to the Orwellian policies of the US Establishment that took Edward Snowden to reveal to the sheep and Facebook, Google and Twitter filtering out stories unfavourable to it. A return to fair trials, no arrests without warrants, no spying on people without just cause.

Free health care and affordable if not free education (for life if required - to re-train), for every citizen in the country. A person living in the richest country in the world should not leave college to get a stroke when they see how many thousands of dollars they owe for their education and then leave the hospital with another bill for thousands of dollars for their recuperation.

The US is probably still top of the list of countries that pose a danger to world peace, especially now Donald Trump is in charge along with North Korea. Plus Torture which is illegal in all western countries apart from the US as it has been proven not to work plus it has floored America's moral standing in the world.

Make US companies pay their fair share of tax not just allow them to set up headquarters in a postbox in a tax haven. Google has just moved from Ireland to Jersey to get out of tax payments. International companies should be banned from tax avoidance like this.

Start trade unions and allow workers on the company boards to give their view. Germany does this and they have a far more harmonious work attitude between management and staff. Co-operative companies where the percentage of money earned by staff and management is agreed by all, and profits are shared by everyone work very well as everyone has an incentive to  work harder.

I am sure there are more issues that can be brought up but voting for Trump is going to make a lot of Republican voters hit themselves in the face when they get their next tax bill and Trump gets a smile due to the huge discount all because he owns golf courses that get money deductions.

A new Peoples Party is needed, whether headed by Bernie Sanders or Jill Stein or someone else. It is not left or right wing but it's core duty is to look after the working middle class, poor inner city youths by providing activities and sports to prevent gang violence and imprisonment of bankers and politicians who grope, rape and steal other peoples money.

The duopoly in Washington are all Wall St prostitutes and fat cat whores who care more about getting money than policies to help the people of their country.

What do you think?

View the original article on the main site

By Dark Politricks

© Dark Politricks