BREXIT - MPS to get a vote
38 Degrees
This is from 38 degrees who wanted to stay in the EU despite the country voting to leave.
It’s official. Our MPs are getting a vote on BREXIT. Their decision will define our country for generations to come. It’ll change the lives of all of us living here.
Every day, MPs argue about what kind of BREXIT would be best for British people. But so far, we - the actual people - have been completely left out of the discussion.
This is our chance to change that, and it starts today. There are millions of us across the length and breadth of this country. If we work together, we can mount a massive campaign to make sure that before our MPs vote, they listen - really listen - to what we want from BREXIT.
With each step of BREXIT, we can make sure MPs are feeling the heat from us. We can drown out the lobbyists, the big business interests, the political insiders - and make sure parliament hears our demand for a BREXIT that works for the many, not the few.
But we’ll be taking on giants. It’ll be a long, hard slog. And it won’t come cheap.
Years from now, our history books will have a chapter dedicated to 2017 and BREXIT.
Nigel Farage knows it. The tabloids know it. The MPs campaigning to ignore the result of the referendum know it. Big business lobbyists know it too. That’s why they’re all working night and day to push their different BREXIT agendas. They’d much rather people like you and me kept quiet.
Days like today are no time to sit back and see what happens. If you chip in today, here’s how we can work together to make sure our voices are heard during the BREXIT negotiations
We can train and organise thousands of 38 Degrees members to meet our MPs and take our crowd sourced plan for BREXIT straight into the heart of government.
We can hire a crack team of analysts and investigators to run through the government’s plans for BREXIT with a fine-tooth comb - and expose the plans that put us or the issues we care about at risk.
We can scale up the 38 Degrees staff team dedicated to BREXIT, to make sure our people-powered plan is all over the media, in parliament and everywhere Theresa May turns.
We can pay for billboards, leaflets, Facebook ads and events in parliament to make sure MPs can’t miss our demands about what we want from BREXIT.
Today, we have a choice: sit back and watch the BREXIT deal happen without us. Or stand up for what we believe in, and do what we can to get the best deal possible. Robert - will you do your bit and chip in?
Chip in as much as you can afford to help the cause >
On our own, BREXIT can feel too big to take on. But that’s the magic of 38 Degrees. When we take action together, we’re more than a match for any politician.
Just look what we did when we were faced with TTIP, the biggest corporate takeover attempt in our lifetime. Thousands upon thousands of us joined together and we brought that dangerous deal to its knees.
We need to harness that same energy and passion now to get the BREXIT deal we need and deserve.
This is from 38 degrees who wanted to stay in the EU despite the country voting to leave.
From 38 Degrees
Every day, MPs argue about what kind of BREXIT would be best for British people. But so far, we - the actual people - have been completely left out of the discussion.
This is our chance to change that, and it starts today. There are millions of us across the length and breadth of this country. If we work together, we can mount a massive campaign to make sure that before our MPs vote, they listen - really listen - to what we want from BREXIT.
With each step of BREXIT, we can make sure MPs are feeling the heat from us. We can drown out the lobbyists, the big business interests, the political insiders - and make sure parliament hears our demand for a BREXIT that works for the many, not the few.
But we’ll be taking on giants. It’ll be a long, hard slog. And it won’t come cheap.
Years from now, our history books will have a chapter dedicated to 2017 and BREXIT.
Nigel Farage knows it. The tabloids know it. The MPs campaigning to ignore the result of the referendum know it. Big business lobbyists know it too. That’s why they’re all working night and day to push their different BREXIT agendas. They’d much rather people like you and me kept quiet.
Days like today are no time to sit back and see what happens. If you chip in today, here’s how we can work together to make sure our voices are heard during the BREXIT negotiations
We can train and organise thousands of 38 Degrees members to meet our MPs and take our crowd sourced plan for BREXIT straight into the heart of government.
We can hire a crack team of analysts and investigators to run through the government’s plans for BREXIT with a fine-tooth comb - and expose the plans that put us or the issues we care about at risk.
We can scale up the 38 Degrees staff team dedicated to BREXIT, to make sure our people-powered plan is all over the media, in parliament and everywhere Theresa May turns.
We can pay for billboards, leaflets, Facebook ads and events in parliament to make sure MPs can’t miss our demands about what we want from BREXIT.
Today, we have a choice: sit back and watch the BREXIT deal happen without us. Or stand up for what we believe in, and do what we can to get the best deal possible. Robert - will you do your bit and chip in?
Chip in as much as you can afford to help the cause >
On our own, BREXIT can feel too big to take on. But that’s the magic of 38 Degrees. When we take action together, we’re more than a match for any politician.
Just look what we did when we were faced with TTIP, the biggest corporate takeover attempt in our lifetime. Thousands upon thousands of us joined together and we brought that dangerous deal to its knees.
We need to harness that same energy and passion now to get the BREXIT deal we need and deserve.
Thanks for all you do,
David and the 38 Degrees team
Please visit 38 Degrees
Please if you have not voted yet whether you think it was the right or wrong decision to leave the EU please vote above in the poll located in the header.
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