Donald Trump stitched up by False Flag Chemical Attack
By Dark Politricks
Dark Politricks
A false flag attack that is so obvious and fulfils Neo-Con wishes For Trump to move away from Russia
It seems the Democrats, Obama and neo-con WWIII dreamers want their war in Syria.
Once we built weapons to fight wars now we make wars to sell weapons e.g Saudi Arabia and Yemen which no-one seems to be talking about. Saudi Arabia is one of the most terrorist supporting, backward country in the world.
We should not be allies with them. If t hose 28/29 redacted 9.11 pages are right we should have bombed the country out of existence by now.
However after Donald Trump said he would not be attacking Assad but going after ISIS and al-Qaeda who the CIA and their cohorts are training and funding.
The town which was supposedly hit by chemical weapons are Axis of War (US/UK/France) jihadists who only recently kidnapped people from the town that was attacked.
It seems very odd that people dying of Sarin are being treated (see pictures in video) by people without the proper protective equipment on. Why is the lead gas campaigner a doctor in a hospital who has time to tweet out messages and offer video chats, surely he should be helping out in his FULL hospital of victims instead of tweeting.
Also this comes as Syria is beating ISIS and the rest of the US trained ISIS, al-Qaeda and al-Nusra? They are taking back whole towns that had been captured OH and they gave their chemical weapons away in 2013 after the last "red line" was supposedly crossed.
This was proved to be a false flag in 2013 as the Turkish found Sarin gas in Turkey and being crossed into Syria. MP'S and journalists who brought up Turkish support for ISIS were arrested and even jailed.
Also who does it benefit?
When there are peace talks on the schedule it seems a very stupid and unnecessary time for the Syrian army to use chemical weapons.
I bet the Democrats and GOP neo-cons who suckle the teats of the Military Industrial Complex are happy they seem to have turned Trump from fighting ISIS to putting US troops on the ground to fight Assad and maybe even Russia.
This is obviously going to lead to Russian soldiers being killed and have many articles and film about how this attack seems to be a false flag.
Watch this report by Jimmy Dore. He puts the pieces together nicely.
Half the US government wants another war to make money from weapons sales and rebuilding contracts and to keep the sheeple terrified for much longer. Syria has been on the US hit list since 9.11 and was supposed to be toppled after Iraq and Iran.
This has been proved 100%.
The only problem is that the US don't seem to be going after ISIS or al-Qaeda, rather they would support them through proxies in Saudi Arabia and Qatar to pass off weapons, training and money.
Also for Donald Trump to stand there and say many red lines have been crossed why is it when we bomb a hospital and kill kids and women it's "collateral damage", but if Syria who is basically doing our work for us by going after ISIS who we created, and al-Qaeda who supposedly attacked us it's an outrage.
Are ISIS and al-Qaeda not supposed to be our enemies?
It seems that when they see a new US President prepared to go after this bag of scum instead of allowing Assad and Russia, who have done a much better job in a tiny amount of time clearing out the Jihadist scum, we have to keep the war going.
How? Troops on the ground, bombing Syrian soldiers, allowing ISIS troops to be supplied and trained and most importantly allowing another NATO country, Turkey to illegally buy stolen oil from ISIS taken from Syria. This snake of trucks carrying oil filmed by Russian planes tells a sad story about NATO.
We allow or foment a false flag gas attack to happen or provide our own terrorists the geo coordinates to bomb before Russia smashes them all to bits as happened the other week and also happened in the Iran Iraq war when Saddam Hussein was given the location of Iranian troops by the US when they knew he would use chemical weapons on them.
Our morals seem to be a bit up and down it seems depending on whether we control the country or their key politicians. Otherwise a coup is formed, a fake protest is inflated into a mass anti government action or people are assassinated.
Does it matter if you are killed by chemical weapons, whose destination was probably provided to their Jihadist trained troops or blown up and burnt to death?
Does the way we kill someone matter on a score board. What about Israel and Saudi Arabia using white phosphorus on the trapped people of Gaza even a UN building or Saudis bombing and murdering of kids in Yemen because there are groups loosely aligned with Iran there.
The place is a hell hole search the site for more info on this disgusting war.
Watch this great alternative news piece to get all the info you need to stop you believing mainstream media lies about the attack.
I suggest subscribing to Jimmy Dores's channel ASAP.
If Russian soldiers are attacked and killed and we end up in World War 3 can you trust Donald Trump NOT to use nuclear weapons in any conflict.
Do you really trust him to do the right thing. Is this all just a way to sway Trumps potential detente with Russia into one of aggression where a proxy war could turn hot.
Have the Democrats who would have gone into Syria by now and the neo-con GOP politicians, hate the fact Trump is not as evil as some of them. Wanting constant war and increased spending on weapons and paying off their lobbyists. Have they been jumping for joy the last day or so?
I don't want that do you? And if so please tell me why.
Read the original article at Dark Politricks.
By Dark Politricks
© 2017 Dark Politricks
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