UK General Election 2017
By Dark PolitricksIt's the UK's snap general election tomorrow.
No-one really expected our great leader and Donny Trump fan Theresa May, called it after pulling out of the EU by implementing article 21 (The Lisbon Treaty).
Many are predicting a landslide victory for the Tories who have not jailed a single bankster from the 2008 crisis and trebled the national debt. The deficit may have shrunk a little but that is of no importance when the debt we owe in total has trebled clearly showing that austerity measures don't work.
Putting the "payback" on the poor instead of the rich has been decried by many as unethical and even evil.
Why should a disabled granny lose a chunk of her benefits to pay for gambling by coke snorting banksters who took grannies pension and played roulette with it.
I don't know and neither do the millions of poor and kids hoping to go to go to university only to realise they cannot afford it without incurring thousands in debts.
Following the USA around the world in the Axis of War has cost us trillions of pounds over the last decade, and even more since 9.11.
Wars in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan and undeclared wars or incursions following the USA who is using drones or planes in 7 countries at the moment that we know of. This just wasting money we desperately need at home and stirring up the UK Muslim community who have attacked us successfully 3 times in the last 3 months.
More war!
More drone strikes!
More death is what you vote for when you vote for the Tories, and when you are next on the Tube nervously looking at a man with a back pack on then don't cry when more of your civil rights and liberties are removed from you.
Currently I am probably being watched by a very bored GCHQ member of staff through my web cam at the moment and if you vote Tory you vote for more terror and more spying on the citizens of this country through your TV, Computer, Phone, Tablet and now even cars they could hack into and control.
Wasn't it George W Bush that said after 9.11 that they attacked us because "they hate us for our freedoms".
It seems the terrorists are winning if we just hand our freedoms over. I guess that's what false flag attacks and drumming up fear of whole communities of people is about.
Then we have opposing the hot favourites to carry on ruining the country, a real "Feel the Bern" revolution for Jeremy Corbyn. Hundreds of thousands of new Labour supporters have joined since Corbyn took over. Even more joined when their failed coup went ahead. It seems every time the Blairites try to get rid of Corbyn he gains another 100,000 Labour members at least.
At least if Tony Blair does succeed in creating his own get out of jail party in the aftermath of a Labour slaughtering at the polls he can be shouted down and abused in the house as the war criminal he should be treated as.
Can we really blame Blair for his 4 wars, bringing the party into the centre from the left leaving progressives with no alternative, considering the Lib Dems were wiped out last time.
The Lib Dems lied about abolishing University fees in their last manifesto and got a lot of young people's votes only to renege on the promise for a chance to spend 5 years in the back of ministerial cars.
Nick Clegg got his chance to sit at the top table and then to hell with the Lib Dems. He got 5 years of the high life, that's what type of politicians we are voting in.
The Lib Dems may have some good ideas but they have lost the people's' trust and it's not as is if we can exactly trust any other party anyway.
At least with Jeremy Corbyn you get the feeling he will try and implement his policies. Whether his party back him or not is another matter. He and Bernie Sanders would get on well over a pint I think.
So the young have looked at the fixes in US politics and how the candidates were chosen before hand in the Democratic party. Anything to get Hillary as their candidate and Bernie blanked out.
Just think of all those wasted hours standing in line to vote for Bernie when the fix was already in.
BREXIT is going ahead due to a referendum, true peoples democracy.
You may not like it but I doubt voting for a progressive alliance between Labour and the SNP will reverse the process. Once article 21 is implemented I doubt the rest of Europe will allow us to change our minds, we may try, and Germany may want us to stay, but France is French and to an Englishman that says it all.
So compared to Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn is far more to the left showing you just how centrist US politics really is. They fix their primaries so Bernie cannot run despite having the votes and the support and if he dare mentions the word socialist they think he is Mao Zedong.
At least Corbyn can mention socialism and not get bananas and other vegetables thrown at him from FOX News, and as they say any news is good news.
Bernie was hardly mentioned in the US news media, a 6 company monopoly that all spew COINTELPRO propaganda whether supposedly left-wing like MSBC or right-wing like FOX.
Here we have multiple political programmes where people ask a range of politicians and public people what they think about political decisions and issues of the day.
Bernie got about 10 minutes coverage in all the primary campaigning whilst Clinton and Trump owned the airwaves for free. They shouldn't have really spent all those billions on election adverts when they had the news channels to let them spew their hatred instead.
That's one good thing about UK elections we don't have to suck off lobbyists to get the money to campaign only to pay them back once in power.
In the US they usually have to have multi millions of dollars to even consider running for Congress or the President. Then they leave the House to go and work for a lobbyist firm or a company they had a hand in helping by voting for in government.
So whether you like Corbyn's charity shop suits or not, or you are hoping to see Labour wiped out so that you can rush to join Tony Blair's threat of a new neo-con, neo-liberal, war mongering, Banksters fun time party, you have to vote tomorrow and vote with your conscience.
If you don't want more war, to see Blair in cuffs, more money spent on schools and hospitals and less US ass licking then Labour are the only real choice for progressives. If you want the opposite, more war, bigger bombs dropped on schools and hospitals and blowback that turns UK born kids into murdering Jihadists, then vote Tory.
If you want your vote to count for nothing then there is always the Green party and UKIP despite whether their ideas are good or not but as they say you should vote with your conscience whether it makes a difference or not.
Just make sure you vote.
By Dark Politricks
© 2017 Dark Politricks
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