Democrats Cave To Trump To Stop Government Shutdown
The USA does things differently than over here in the UK and each year they have to fund the government so it can keep going.
The odd thing is that even though they are voting on one thing they can add extra unrelated "pork" into bills to get Senators and Congressmen to support them.
So a bill to protect wildlife in a certain part of the USA might have extra parts added such as money to fund Israel or Veterans. Totally unrelated stuff.
This recent bill fight to keep the government open only a few weeks saw the Republicans demand dozens of things related to their border wall and the Democrats who could have just said no, not until you fund the DREAMERS. These are the DACA recipients that allow people who came here illegally or were born here, never seeing their homeland to stay.
Many are in the military or doing jobs Americans don't want to do.
However from a position of strength the Democrats who could have said "No we will not give you one vote to fund the Government until we get funding for DACA have caved in like the weaklings they are."
They bent over to their corporate overlords who they now take money from as well as decisions on policies. These corporate Democrats obviously did what their election funders wanted them to do and caved in allowing Trump to get what he wanted whilst they only got a "promise" of a vote on DACA.
Obviously Trump went straight to Twitter to gloat that the Democrats had caved and it just shows how weak a party they really are at the moment.
It also shows what sort of President Trump is when he thinks policy and rebuttals are for him to make himself from his own Twitter account and not official press releases.
The US Senate and House of Representatives voted Monday to approve a short-term budget resolution, putting an end to the partial shutdown of the federal government that began midnight Friday night. The deal leaves 800,000 DACA recipients without protection in what amounts to a total capitulation by Democrats to Trump and the Republicans.
The Senate passed the three-week “continuing resolution,” authorising federal government spending through February 8, by a vote of 81-18, with large majorities of both big-business parties supporting the bill: 48-2 for Republicans, 33-16 for Democrats.It seems as if the Democrats, even from a position of strength just don't know how to play politics anymore.
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