BREXIT, The Campaign to stay in the EU and ignore result is far from over...

That’s an agreement that’d make it easier for us to trade with EU countries, but make it harder for us to strike independent trade deals with other parts of the world after we BREXIT. [2] It sounds like jargon, but it could affect our everyday lives, from jobs to the cost of our weekly shop. [3]
What our MPs decide in the next few weeks could change the future of BREXIT. But right now, the decision hangs in the balance. That means MPs' constituents - people like you and me! - have a lot of power.
Together, it’s up to us to decide if 38 Degrees should get involved in this debate. We could choose to pick a side. Or we could choose to be neutral and focus on other campaigns.
Please will you fill out this short survey to help decide what 38 Degrees should do about the customs union? We'll only campaign on this if 75% or more of us agree it's the right thing for 38 Degrees.
If we were in a customs union:*
[4] • UK companies that trade with the EU would be able to do business with Europe more easily - because they wouldn't be subject to customs checks or have any extra fees to pay.
• Companies from countries in the EU wouldn't have to pay extra fees to sell products in the UK either. That means the price of European products we buy in the shops should be similar to what we pay now.
• But we wouldn't get to arrange our own trade deals with non-EU countries, unless we negotiate with the EU to do so.
• The UK might need to meet new conditions to be part of a customs union without being an EU member, but won’t have formal voting power in the EU.
If we weren't in a customs union:* [5]
• The UK could negotiate its own trade deals with other non-EU countries independently.
• The UK would have more control over how we trade with the rest of the world, decided by our government.
• It could be more difficult for UK companies to do business in Europe, because they would have extra work to comply with EU regulations, and might have to pay extra fees to sell products in countries part of the EU.
• Products coming from European countries into the UK could cost more, because they could have extra fees attached to them for coming into the UK. *This is based on us entering and leaving a customs union that is the same as the one we are currently in. (Thanks to Full Fact, the independent fact-checking charity, for their input on this list.) [6]
38 Degrees members - that's people like you who sign petitions and email MPs - decided together to stay neutral on the EU referendum. But this is a fresh decision, because being part of a customs union is a different choice - about the kind of BREXIT we want.
38 Degrees is made up of different people, with different backgrounds, from all over the UK. We didn't all vote the same way in the EU referendum. Some of us voted Leave, and some of us voted Remain.
Since the results were announced, we've been working together to make sure BREXIT is as people-powered as possible. And it's working: last year, hundreds of thousands of us forced Theresa May to back down on plans to give herself the power to rewrite UK laws behind closed doors after BREXIT. [7] It's proof that when we come together, we can shape BREXIT.
Thanks for being involved,
Jess, Maggie, Ellie, Becca and the rest of the 38 Degrees team
So there you go. The people of this country voted more on feelings than facts and most of the facts we were provided were incorrect, unknown at the time or made up.
You can vote in the BREXIT poll at the top of the page about whether you would change your mind if there was another referendum held today.
The EU Commissioners want to punish us for leaving to persuade other countries from leaving as well so they are not going to make any bargaining over economic deals easy for Theresa, Boris and Davis in the slightest. However the EU must realise we are one of their biggest trading partners and they need us to buy their German cars and retire in Spain as we did before we even joined this thing called the 'European Union'/
I think if we can help Syria fight off the Axis of Wars (CIA/MI6/Mossad etc) trained jihadists, ISIL, FSA, al-Nusra. Who are all trying to other-throw President Assad whilst Turkey buys oil from ISIL, jails any journalists talking about it and shoots down Russian planes that have proved the daily snake like trails of oil laden trucks going from ISIL held positions into Turkey, then that would be a great start.
If we just stayed out of Syria and Iraq and let the countries invited by Syria, to do the fighting e.g Russia, Iran, Iraq, Hezbollah from Lebanon and Kurdish militias. Countries and groups that Syria invited into Syria to help their struggle which was going really well with Russian air support coordinated with Syrian troops on the ground that did more to defeat the rebels in a few months than it had for Western Nations who had taken years, trying to find 'safe, softer, more cuddly' Jihadists that could be used to attack President Assad as we fought ISIL.
The problem was that these groups like the Free Syrian Army were just as bad as ISIL, selling captured journalists to IS so they could be decapitated for propaganda in Gitmo dress, and films of their leaders cutting open dead Syrian soldiers bodies and eating their hearts and innards then putting the video on, that the Americans has to admit in Congressional hearings that they only had a few dozen DOD trained soldiers trained and ready to be used.
The problem was that the Axis of War was training the real rebels and and at one stage it was discovered that the DOD was actually fighting the CIA in Syria.
America v the USA, that is some sort of clusterfuck that goes to show what happens when Colonial countries like France and the UK draw arbitrary lines in the sand to create countries and put dictators that they can control to run them fall apart all the old grievances and issues that were there before Iraq was just drawn in the sand when really it should have been 3 separate countries, the Shi'ites in the south near their brethren in Iran, Sunnis in the middle and a Kurdish state in the north.
It is this Kurdistan that the reckless NATO Turks have only just joined the no fly zone coalition so they could bomb Kurdish positions that help their fellow Kurds in Turkey. They have been oppressed by both Iraq and Turkey for decades and it would show we were 'helping' to redraw lines of nations that should have been made sensibly after WWI.
If we just allowed the nations invited to Syria to help defeat ISIL, which was nearly complete until, the US deep state ramped up their jihadist combat troops, fooling their MSM watching fools with false stories of news on Sarin gassing, which has only ever been proved to have been carried out by the rebels with help from Turkey.
Then we would not only save a lot of money, soldiers lives and injuries as well as show we can sit down with Russia, Syria, Iran and Turkey to solve the problem, but we could also halt the millions of refugees coming into the EU, because they believe it is some sort of shining city on a hill when the reality is it is a crumbling, broke and joke of a situation
Their would be less 'political correctness gone mad stories' about refugees raping German and Danish girls, French and Belgium people shooting up churches, nightclubs and bars in the name of ISIS and less trucks and cars being driven into people in London.
We should also have kept better track on the people leaving EU countries to visit Syria or Turkey and coming back to spread their 7th century gospel of hate. The Mosques they visited should have been investigated a lot more and by staying out of the American Empires take over off the world the EU would not be seen to be supporting a clash of civilizations as well getting on better with Russia who is being surrounded by NATO bases, something they promised not to do if the Berlin Wall fell.
Do you really want a nuclear war with Russia over Hillary Clinton losing her Presidential race to a game show host?
Despite headlines of crazy proportions in the USA, Russia has helped us sort out Syria by removing their chemical weapons, hammered out a deal with Iran that would see them not make strong enough Uranium to produce a nuclear weapon and provide the US deep state with a "pee pee' tape so that if they ever wanted to get rid of him fast it would help.
A few Troll farms not connected to the Russian state had nothing to do with the US 2016 election, although the Democrats would like you to think it did and they are carrying on this stupid charade to over up Hillary's embarrassing loss to a non politician, who has been duplicitous, changed all his campaign rhetoric so his supporters have been screwed over by tax and health bills whilst the rich have got even richer.
We are the ones antagonizing Russia. We supported an illegal coup of Ukraine along with America that put neo-Nazis into power. The CIA has probably assassinated more Presidents and Prime Ministers than any other country and if we wanted to deescalate with Russia we should look at it from their side.
Remember Russia has been attacked 3 times in the last couple of hundred years from the west through the Ukraine. It's why the Ukrainians saw the Nazi arrival as liberation from Soviet Control and the mistrust and hatred between many on the east who have both Russian and Ukrainian passports and the neo-nazis on the west is huge. Remember Russia lost more civilians and soldiers during the second World War than nearly all other countries combined and the biggest tank battle of the 2nd world war took place in the Ukraine, the battle of the Kursk.
About 1/3rd of all Germany’s military strength was concentrated in the area and they had grouped 900,000 soldiers in the region, 10,000 artillery guns, 2,700 tanks and 2,000 aircraft. The Russians had 1.3 million soldiers, 20,000 artillery pieces, 3,600 tanks and 2,400 planes. It was many times bugger than any battle fought on the western front and if you include all the civilians and soldier lost in that war (40 million+), plus the invasions of Germany in WWI and earlier by Napoleon you can see why the Soviets at the end of the USSR dominance of Eastern Europe wanted a 'Buffer' zone between themselves and NATO.
A promise which was quickly broken and it is no surprise Putin is being belligerent about hypocritical matters the US calls Russia such as their 14 troll farms that placed a few Facebook adverts which is all over the news and is supposed to have stopped Hillary Clinton from winning.
- This is despite her lack of campaigning.
- Her ill health, visible to all.
- Her empty rallies when compared to her Democratic primary candidate Bernie Sanders who we found out that the DNC (who control the party) were pushing him and his popular policies away into a drone of 'No Trump' slogans and no attempt to act Democratic.
- She is both a neo-liberal and neo-con. She would probably already be at war with Russia by now if elected and the grand conspiracy went both ways except she used an ex British spy as a middle man to gain info on Trump from Ukrainian and Russian sources;
- She lied to Congress, failed to allow the FBI to inspect her computers after 'shouting fire' that the Russians had hacked the DNC.
- True computer experts have proved the amount of data taken from these personal servers was so much that only a manual USB plugged into a computer could have had the speed necessary to transfer all the Podesta and DNC Emails that were leaked to WikiLeaks and a remote hack would not have worked. This makes the botched robbery of DNC staff worker Seth Rich in which nothing was robbed but he was shot even more puzzling. The Clinton's are part of the deep state and you cannot embarrass them in anyway shape or form.
- Then to lose to the worst game show GOP candidate, who can hardly put a coherent sentence together must be so embarrassing. No wonder she has all the left wing and establishment newspapers and news shows try and distract the people with stories of RUSSIAGATE on the mainstream news.
- The change in Google's algorithm who are publicly admitting to working with the NSA and CIA to introduce AI drones to kill more people. Yes Terminator is becoming a reality. This change has meant blogs like and many others lose money as CNN and FOX News are considered authoritative sources whilst alternative media isn't.
Therefore we can leave the EU and drift off towards the Americans more and more looking Stazi, high tech Surveillance state where they are planning to build AI drones to kill Americans in far away countries at any hour of the day, whether someone is at the controls or not. Skynet is coming to the US it seems as they kick out all the migrants that founded the country.
Or we can let the Tories negotiate with the EU hardball players and probably force us to have another referendum or if they want to be sneeky and break all their promises then they will have a vote in parliament over the final agreement.
We may even see the return of Nigel Farage on the political landscape if the referendum result is not kept to.
It's not all doom and gloom. We already have many commonwealth countries and others knocking on our door wanting trade agreements with us, such as Australia and Canada. We could thrive or we could drown in the sea of choppy political waters.
Tell me and 38 degrees what you think.
[1] Bloomberg: Pro-EU Tory Rebellion Grows Further as May Ever More Boxed In:
The Sun: BLOCKED BID: Downing Street rejects the Treasury’s proposal to end Cabinet row, temporarily keep UK in EU Customs Union after BREXIT:
Evening Standard: Tory rebels tell May: We’ll halt Britain’s exit from a customs union:
[2] The Independent: Customs union: What is it, what would leaving it mean and what post-BREXIT alternatives are there?:
The Daily Mail: Business group calls for a Turkey-style 'partial' customs union covering only industry and processed food:
[3] The Independent: Customs union: What is it, what would leaving it mean and what post-BREXIT alternatives are there?:
[4] UK in a Changing Europe: What would retaining membership of the EU customs union mean for the UK?:
CBI: Customs Union:
Institute for Fiscal Studies: How might BREXIT affect food prices?:
[5] Institute for Government: Implementing BREXIT: Customs:
Institute for Fiscal Studies: How might BREXIT affect food prices?:
[6] Full Fact is an independent and non-partisan fact-checking charity. They're an organisation who use primary sources and consult experts to check claims made by politicians, the media and pressure groups. You can find out more about Full Fact and the work they do on their website:
[7] 38 Degrees blog: Delegated powers: We won!
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Donald Hump should fcxkoff back to the states and wait for the blacks and Mexicans to storm the gat3s of the White House