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Tuesday, 26 April 2016

US Commentator admits Obama is hypocritical in his BREXIT comments

US Commentator admits Obama is hypocritical in his BREXIT comments

Watch this video that shows a US commentator, Pippa Malmgren, talking about Obama recently telling the British public that we should vote to stay in the EU.

She admits that the US would never allow the same sort of foreign interference as the EU therefore it's hypocritical for him to back David Cameron up.

She also believes the UK population will pay no attention to his views and that she believes that the wording Obama used was probably Cameron asking him to "just say this"....


Would the USA allow the EU to make it's laws, I don't think so.

Would the USA pay any attention to David Cameron if he told them to vote one way or another in their upcoming US Presidential election, nope, so why has Obama stuck his nose into the BREXIT campaign?

Did David Cameron ask him to make some pro-stay comments or was it purely his own opinion? The White House claims that it was but Pippa suggests that the wording he used in his speech such as "Britain would go to the back of the queue", rather than the more American "back of the line", suggests some UK influence in his speech.

What do you think of President Obama's comments?

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