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Sunday, 1 May 2016

Andrew Marr Interviews on BREXIT Campaigners

Andrew Marr Interviews on BREXIT Campaigners

This is a collection of Andrew Marr interviews with politicians and leaders of the Better In Together and BREXIT campaigns over the decision to vote to stay or leave the EU. 

David Cameron

I start off with the Prime Minister who obviously wants us to stay in Europe. He claims that there would be turmoil and uncertainty if we left the EU and that his "deal" with Europe has satisfied most people who were worried about economic migrants just looking for benefits.

Nigel Farage

UKIP Leader Nigel Farage gives Andrew Marr his reasons for leaving the EU. These include David Cameron's weak "deal", that merely limits benefits and has some elements within it that can be struck down by the European court without our say so.

The issue is NOT migrant benefits and NET migration running at 330,000 people a year when we were promised that this would be reduced to tens of thousands a year. I

Instead it is the fact we would be able to see who were making our laws, vote them out if we didn't like them and run our own lives and spend our own money without meddling from Brussel.s

Also giving back our sovereignty, he wants an Australian style points system that doesn't discriminate on locality so that we can give people from the Commonwealth higher priority if they have the skills over unskilled migrants that have waited in Europe enough time to get an EU passport so that they can enter the UK.

Boris Johnson

The London Mayor, Boris Johnson, believes that we can keep our free trade deals with the EU without the ever evolving movement towards a centralised federal state without us paying for it. It will also allow us to make our own trade deals with countries like China and India where the problems of the EU and Euro would not even on the table. Huge debt, deficit, bailouts and Greek islands having to be sold off to pay back German banks would not be an issue as they currently are during EU trade discussions

We are a big enough country to do our own deals, Iceland can, so why can't we. Our relationship with the EU and US would remain friendly and cordial, based on trade and shared security concerns. However we would not have laws enforced on us from Brussels and we would be able to do free trade deals looking after the interest of British industries with other countries and not hand this important matter over to EU bureaucrats.

What do you think about these interviews. 

Who do you find the most convincing over the BREXIT debate?

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