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Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Nigel Farage attacks Lame Duck President for sticking his nose into the BREXIT debate

Nigel Farage attacks Lame Duck President for sticking his nose into the BREXIT debate

This is Nigel Farage on Sky News attacking President Obama for sticking his nose into the BREXIT debate. 

He thinks the terminology used by President Obama e.g "back of the queue", signifies that he was parroting a UK line and that the idea that it would take 10 years to make a UK trade deal if we leave is just preposterous.

He also goes into the TTIP deal and why Obama is so keen on the UK staying in the EU and joining the TTIP deal which will allow giant US corporations to buy up the NHS and other UK public services.

What I want to know is why can't the Tory leader, David Cameron, debate leading BREXIT campaigners?

If he doesn't want Blue on Blue attacks, there are enough UKIP, Independents and Labour people to debate instead.

Why isn't David Cameron debating the BREXIT campaign. Surely his agreement that he managed to agree with EU leaders was supposed to prevent us from wanting to vote leave.

Therefore why haven't we heard hardly anything about it since he came back from the EU?

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