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Tuesday, 17 May 2016

EU referendum debate between Anna Soubry and Nigel Farage

EU referendum debate between Anna Soubry and Nigel Farage

This is Channel 4 debate between Tory Anna Soubry and UKIP leader Nigel Farage over David Cameron's recent speech about staying in the EU.

They have now given us a referendum and now David Cameron seems a bit scared that we might make the "wrong" decision.

Does this mean wrong for the British public or wrong as in bad for big business, wrong for Tory cronies, wrong for the USA and wrong for the push for TTIP and the overrule of our own laws by US corporations.

John Snow brings up an important point that the "deal" David Cameron brought back from the EU was really a washout and not worth the paper it was written on. Nigel Farage says its not legally enforceable and could be stripped down by the EU court of justice.

The point is - is that true? How do we know, one side says yes, the others say no.

How can the public decide?

All we can do is keep listening to the debates I put on this site and make up your own mind.

What do you think of David Cameron's deal from the EU?

Is it deliverable and enforceable or will it be stripped down by the EU court of justice?

Make you sure you vote at the top of the page whether you want to stay or leave the EU.

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