Micheal Gove on the risk leaving the EU, Trade, Security and Democracy
www.darkpolitricks.comThis is the full debate on last nights Question Time between Vote Leave supporter Michael Grove and the public's questions.
You can watch the audience take him on in the 3 videos below.
Michael Gove on Question Time - Part 1
Michael Gove on Question Time - Part 2
Michael Gove on Question Time - Part 3
The South East of England has a very high migrant population where whole working class estates have changed their ethnic make up. In certain boroughs there is no council housing stock remaining for people to put their names on as we all used to be able to do, working or not. Now you only get on the list if you are dying within a year or have a severe disability in some areas where there is low housing association stock.
Remember no-on is arguing for a binary argument where we either have no migration or lots of it. It just needs to be controlled. It isn't exactly a nice choice as we need young migrants to pay their taxes to fund the growing old pensioners who need their money. However the ageing population also causes problems for youngsters looking for jobs. If someone is still working at the age of 70 then that is a job a 20 year old out of college can't do.
So far the government has just been raising the age of the pension which means young English people straight out of college cannot get jobs. Currently we are going to have 75 old grannies on reception and 65+ year old computer programmers working in IT departments. All preventing younger workers and ex students from getting work. This is all due to our rubbish and regularly milked pension pot growing bare which is why migration has been allowed to grow to help feed the tax pot.
So far the government has just been raising the age of the pension which means young English people straight out of college cannot get jobs. Currently we are going to have 75 old grannies on reception and 65+ year old computer programmers working in IT departments. All preventing younger workers and ex students from getting work. This is all due to our rubbish and regularly milked pension pot growing bare which is why migration has been allowed to grow to help feed the tax pot.
There has to be a balance where the old stop working so that the jobs can be taken up by the young. It's common sense. At the moment it just drives up unemployment benefits except for the younger unemployed who the Tories have staggered and even prevented from getting unemployment benefits. No wonder the young people of today are mightily pissed off with what our governments are doing to them
Also if we didn't have wage suppression by allowing mass modern day slavery, yes we are currently the 5th largest nation involved in modern day slavery, we cannot possibly help downward pressures on unskilled wages when Romanian and Polish workers are willing to valet and wash you car for a tenner at the local garage.
From the site: www.antislavery.org
So next tame you get a cheap valet just think that those people working are sleeping 8 to a room or in appalling condition's and have probably had their passports taken off them until they can earn enough money to pay for them back.
So next tame you get a cheap valet just think that those people working are sleeping 8 to a room or in appalling condition's and have probably had their passports taken off them until they can earn enough money to pay for them back.
Can you name the top 10 jobs that unskilled EU migrants do when entering the UK:
Table 1 - Top ten occupations of foreign-born workers, 2014
Are we really saying we don't have enough UK born people to do these jobs?
If the migrants doing them were not here and pushing wages right down then the department of Employment could easily get a large % of unemployed Brits to take up jobs on assembly lines, construction and food preparation and hospitality.
If the migrants doing them were not here and pushing wages right down then the department of Employment could easily get a large % of unemployed Brits to take up jobs on assembly lines, construction and food preparation and hospitality.
The problem is that the people hiring these migrants are paying them less than the minimum wage on the hush hush.
We need to stop rich companies abusing and taking advantage of EU workers by paying them a pittance and sue them if they are caught out.
We should also introduce a law that every skilled or non skilled job has to be offered to at least 5 long term unemployed Brits before going out to tender in the EU market. This way at least the people in our own country get a chance at working first.
We need to stop rich companies abusing and taking advantage of EU workers by paying them a pittance and sue them if they are caught out.
We should also introduce a law that every skilled or non skilled job has to be offered to at least 5 long term unemployed Brits before going out to tender in the EU market. This way at least the people in our own country get a chance at working first.
Michael Gove does make some good points and the flip flopping by the Chancellor today is PROJECT FEAR x 1000 and just makes us think he is trying to scare us into voting the Establishment way.
ReplyDeleteCome on England when we do we ever get a chance to chance things in this shit country - never - lets kick some of thise posh boys out and take our country back.
I don't like the Tory cxxt but he makes some good arguments and in my mind we are just full to the brim. Whats the point of letting in millions of Poles and Romanians if they are just going to wash our cars to get their passports back and live in qualid condition?
ReplyDeleteThe blokes a Tory bellend dont trust a think that comes out of his mouth - like any Tory
ReplyDeleteNot all Tories are scum, I admit most are but you do get the oddd one about. Grove seems ok to me,
ReplyDeleteI worry that as soon as we leave the EU the Toried will sign us up to TTIP bending over to every US company just to get into the gang no matter how it will hurt our NHS and State. Sort of thing they do. EU may refeject it coz of the French but if we leave we dont have the Frogs to protext us