Should we have left the EU - Vote Below?

Will The UK Actually Leave The EU?

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Friday, 3 June 2016

Nigel Farage on Immigration post BREXIT

Nigel Farage on Immigration post BREXIT

Nigel Farage, Euro MP and head of UKIP, gives a speech about UK immigration policy in a post BREXIT world.

Is immigration the major factor for your vote or is it economics, workers rights or security?

With a city the size of Liverpool being required to house the 300,000 new migrants that enter the country each year, and our government woefully slack at any kind of major house building, it seems that if we want affordable housing we have to hope George Osborne is right when he says that house prices will fall if we leave the EU.

Do you find UKIPs arguments persuasive or do you think migration is unimportant when it comes to the EU referendum?

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