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Will The UK Actually Leave The EU?

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Tuesday, 14 June 2016

What does Vladimir Putin think about BREXIT?

What does Vladimir Putin think about BREXIT?

Unlike many other world leaders, Russia's president Vladimir Putin has kept quiet about Britain's upcoming referendum on its membership of the EU.

The BBC's Moscow correspondent Steve Rosenberg has been finding out more.

The UK State news channel, the BBC, looks at what Russia and Russians think about the EU Referendum.

Do you believe Putin doesn't care about a BREXIT or do you think they do really want us to leave to stop the sanctions on them with a divide and rule strategy?

Don't forget to vote!


  1. I think Putin would love to see us leave and a divided Europe. The weaker we are the stronger they are.

  2. I don't think Putin gives a toss about little ole England and what we do. Their billionaire football owners and oligarchs on the run from Putin might though.....


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