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Wednesday, 15 June 2016

BREXIT DEBATE - Eddie Izzard v Daniel Hannan

BREXIT DEBATE - Eddie Izzard v Daniel Hannan

This is a bit of an odd debate just because Eddie Izzard is in it dressed in his pink hat and lipstick. However he makes his points loud and clear for the Stand Up for Europe campaign and opposing him is the well known MEP and Eurosceptic Daniel Hannan.

It's a pretty good debate to watch.

What do you think about the debate did Eddie or Daniel make you change your mind about the vote to stay in the EU?

Have your say with the poll at the top.

1 comment:

  1. Eddie is all about stopping the war and being together which all fair but NATO has stopped war not the EU - remember Bosnia and Serbia? The EU sat on their hands there didn't they?


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